Because flowers are never enough: we show you the most romantic collection from the popular Hungarian brand

Because flowers are never enough: we show you the most romantic collection from the popular Hungarian brand
Our soul also blossoms when we follow the exciting acts of Sugarbird's La Vie en Jardinette collection. Once again, we can see the result of a magical collaboration, in which the Hungarian brand worked together with Adrien Horváth-Gazsó, the contemporary painter from Újkígyós. It is not the first time that Adrienn's paintings have appeared on Sugarbird's clothes, since in 2022 they already cooperated with each other through the La Vie en Rose collection.

Sugarbird La Vie en Jardinette dazzles us with five different collections and makes spring even more beautiful with five fabulous colors. We are not surprised that the first appearances made the collections almost sold out, as the floral patterned clothing wonders speak for themselves. Romantic styles that can give you the perfect outfit at an event, wedding or party. We asked Miss KK, Sugarbird's graphic designer, about the collection.

"The main concept was that Adrienn paints pictures of five bouquets of different colors and different flowers, from which we create capsule collections with a uniform atmosphere, but separate ones. We asked for paintings in green, yellow, pink, blue and beige pastel shades, and the specific flower/bouquet elements were entrusted to Adrienn. His pictures are always easy to work with, we love him because he understands and feels what we want. Graphic products form the DNA of our brand, so when it comes to samples, we always work on a unique creation for us. We like to cooperate with Adrien, because he has a unique way of seeing, he has works that suit us and can be easily incorporated, which work wonderfully with the "Sugarbird style". As a textile sample, I basically imagined that all five collections would have a slightly different atmosphere. The design of the blue clothes, for example, reminds me of a "shawl", I laid out the flowers symmetrically, stripes and geometrically. The yellow has a more bohemian, so to speak, sprawling pattern, on the pink I drew the petals of the flowers, showing the brush strokes and details. The beige theme is accompanied by a row pattern of small bouquets and an eclectic bush fresh from the field into a vase. And the green flowers were composed on an SB grid pattern underprint, following the tailoring pattern of the clothes." Miss KK said.

So the colors are pastel, and the atmosphere is romantic, soft and delicate paintings that Adrienn Horváth-Gazsó created for Sugarbird. Some stages of the fabulous La Vie en Jardinette have already been added to the Online Shop.

"The starting points of the series of paintings were pastel colors. Perhaps waiting for spring, the pale colors evoked the diverse flower compositions in me. The cool blue is the still slightly shivering atmosphere of the first spring days, while the pink and yellow shades mean the warm breeze, the harbinger of summer. That is why the cavalcade of flowers was inspired by the thousands of faces of spring and summer: roses, dahlias, water lilies, fuchsias, orchids, poppies and little miracles that unfold so many petals. Looking back at my work in the Sugarbird collection, I think the paintings really came to life. The artistic veins of graphic designer Miss KK and lead designer Ádám Baranyi raised the spectacle to a different, higher level. The paintings and the work of the Sugarbird team are all mosaic pieces that fit together perfectly to create the collection. During my career, I always tried to be able to send my work to others, since art belongs to everyone. The flower series is launched: it advertises art, aesthetics, romantic features and sophistication in a different way. The April breeze carries all this for the ladies. I hope that every wearer will be as delighted to be covered in flowers as the birth of this collection was to me." - said Adrienn Horváth-Gazsó.